How to plan your property budget?

How to plan your property budget?
  • Author: Riya Kapoor


  • Income

  • Spending count

  • Compare

  • Follow the above steps and make your property budget plan easily

When you start to search a new house for your family, it is really difficult to found your dream home under the budget that is well-equipped with all the luxuries. Deciding to purchase a new home can be an overwhelming and exciting decision for anyone, but there are many things that are kept in mind before stepping out from home to look for a new living place. First, you need to know where you want to live; in city or village? Off-road parking or drive? Cottage or a simple home?

Your living place is the most alluring asset, so keeping things right is the most important task for you. The foremost thing that one should consider while planning to purchase a new house is a budget. Let’s see some steps to plan your property budget: 

1.    Organization

Before starting the planning of your budget, spend some time in paperwork and organize the finances. Take at least one hour in this process so that you won’t miss anything. Ensure you have multiple bank statements available, household bills, financial statements, credit card bills and saving accounts.

2.    Income

Count all your expenses and calculate the money earned by you with investment and savings. Avoid considering the monthly income in this, you can add additional sporadic earning in it too.  One can create a spread sheet to make the process simple and easy. Work out on the results of each saving and add them to get the total earning figure.

3.    Spending count

Once you have able to manage the spread sheet, it is time to calculate the expenditures done by you monthly. Gather data from all the bank statements, credit card bills, utility bills and other expenses. Don’t make a random guess; try to calculate accurate figures while calculating the budget.

Consider the less frequent spending in the calculation even if it is not visible on your credit bills. Recall about the costs, holidays, trips, meals and birthday presents. Add all of them to the spreadsheet in the separate column. Make a calculation of all the expenses and divide it by 12 to know about the average monthly expenditure.

4.    Compare

Once you are done with the expenditures and savings, it’s time to talk about the leftover bucks. Take the annual or monthly spending away from annual or monthly earning; you are left with the remainder. Developing a budget plan is advantageous as it keeps you aware of the spending and saving done by you.

5.    A budget Plan

Once you reached the financial goal, it’s time to develop the budget plan for your property. There are some expenses that are impossible to cut, so emphasise on the expenditures that can be squeezed.

Have a look at the electricity bills and energy bills, see it choosing tariffs can save your pennies, change your car, save the fuel money and look for a cheap insurance provider. Keeping an eye on the budget is a significant part of purchasing a new home or property.

Follow the above steps and make your property budget plan easily