How to have a Beautiful Guest Room? Impress your Guests with these Guest Room Ideas..

How to have a Beautiful Guest Room? Impress your Guests with these Guest Room Ideas..
  • Author: Riya Kapoor


  • You should select that room in your house to be the guest room which is located away from the disturbances like the kid’s room, kitchen and living hall.

  • You must clean your guest room everyday even if there’s no news of guests showing up, so that its ready when they would finally arrive.

  • overlook the washroom and undermine the importance of a clean washroom.

  • People can sense that the room has been used and you don’t want your guests to feel apprehensive about that.

Guests are temporary family members who bring life to your home. It is essential to take care of them so that they feel at home and comfortable. The last thing we would want is our friends hating to showing up. Your home must always be warm and welcoming and so fulfilling that the visitors shouldn’t feel like leaving the place. For this, having a guest room in your home is a pre requisite. Letting your guests sleep on the mattresses is so not done. You must ensure that your guests are comfortable and not deprived of anything that they would get in their homes. You can at least try achieving that! Make your guests as well as yourself comfortable by making the most pleasing guest room using these ideas:

1) Location

You should select that room in your house to be the guest room which is located away from the disturbances like the kid’s room, kitchen and living hall. Make sure that the room has attached washroom too. This will demand some selflessness but if you really want your guests to be in their comfort zone, you won’t step back. After all, the joy of giving is above everything!

2) Clean It!

You must clean your guest room everyday even if there’s no news of guests showing up, so that its ready when they would finally arrive. Don’t procrastinate grooming your guest room because you never know who’s on their way! Equip the special room with nice curtains, change the bed cover often, keep a door mat, do the dusting and don’t leave that room out while the whole house is being cleaned up! Take care of little minor things in the room like placing hangers in cupboards; don’t leave the walls naked,adorn them with beautiful pictures and paintings but don’t overdo it. Lit the room well and keep some fresh flowers encased in a pot. You can also place some good reads in the book rack!

3)Washroom Utilities

Too busy with decorating the room, we often overlook the washroom and undermine the importance of a clean washroom. In fact, cleaning the washroom is more important than doing the room. To start with, the carpper should be totally clean. There should be no suffocation in the washroom. Install an exhaust fan to make that sure. Bathroom odour sucks! So, always use a nice room freshener and also keep one in the washroom itself. Keep a stock of everything from shampoo, moisturizer, deo, toothpaste and hand wash to body wash, face wash, talc and washing powder and brush. Add, if I missed anything but don’t forget to keep any of those items in your guest washroom!

4) Keep it Safe

Last but not the least, don’t let anyone, especially the kids enter the guest room, because it is exclusively for your guests. People can sense that the room has been used and you don’t want your guests to feel apprehensive about that. Moreover, children would disturb the entire setting of the room that you’ve spent a lot of time decorating! So, watch out.

I bet your guests would never want to go back and will be impressed like hell if they get a room like that. It might demand a little investment but the satisfaction of your guests will pay it all. Trust me, it’s worth it!