Consumer body wants to nullify the New Real Estate Act in West Bengal

Dated on: Wednesday 6th June 2018

A national consumer rights’ forum in housing that was part of the consultative process for the Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016 (RERA), has decided to move the Central Advisory Council on RERA for repealing the WEST BENGAL Housing Industry Regulation Act, 2017 (HIRA). According to the forum, the introduction of HIRA throws away the very objective of ushering transparency into the housing sector that was brought by RERA.

HIRA has obliterated the clarity of RERA and made the clause on force majeure vague. This defeats the very purpose of the act. One of the main reasons behind the enactment of RERA was to ensure that developers complete and hand over projects on time instead of making excuses for non-compliance to delivery schedules.

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